A deal with creditors will secure the airline's future for the next 18 months and save 6,500 jobs.
BBC Business News Articles
American Airlines cuts 19,000 jobs amid travel slump
The world's biggest airline says it will have 30% fewer staff by October.
More than £30m lost to pension fraud since 2017
Men in their 50s are the most likely targets of criminals, with losses totalling millions of pounds.
DFS reports jump in sofa sales as shoppers sit it out
DFS reports a £100m rise in sales as people splash out after spending more time at home.
Appledore Shipyard to reopen after £7m InfraStrata deal
Appledore Shipyard in Devon closed in March 2019 but has now been bought by InfraStrata.
Apple can block Epic’s Fortnite but not Unreal Engine
The ruling, which protects Epic's Unreal Engine tool, holds until a full hearing on 28 September.
Co-op Bank to shed 350 jobs and close branches
Economic uncertainty and the shift to online banking have prompted the cuts, the bank says.
KFC drops Finger Lickin’ Good slogan amid coronavirus
Fast food giant says the slogan does not feel "quite right" amid the global pandemic.
US and China hold ‘constructive’ trade talks
President Trump had previously postponed the trade meeting as he didn't "want to talk to China right now."
Climate change: New UK law to curb deforestation in supply chains
UK businesses will have to show that products and supply lines are free from illegal deforestation.