It was the highest of any month since records began in 1993, and nine times bigger than May a year ago.
BBC Business News Articles
Retail sales in May partly recover after DIY boost
The reopening of DIY shops and garden centres lifted sales, but they still remained far below normal levels.
Colgate reviews China’s Darlie brand amid race debate
The popular Chinese brand features a caricature and translates as "black person toothpaste".
Bank and Church of England apologise for historic slavery ties
The Bank said it was "inexcusable" that former senior figures had profited from the slave trade.
The strict new rules for air travel after lockdown
How airlines are keeping passengers safe after lockdown.
Have we become too reliant on Big Tech firms?
Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple have done well during lockdowns, but are they getting too big?
Coronavirus: Dozens of people ‘chasing every job’ in poor areas
On average, there are 20 people claiming unemployment benefits for each job vacancy that is posted in poorer areas.
Coronavirus: Charity donations tumble at lockdown funerals
Charities say support and research work will be hit as limited funeral attendance affects collections.
Lockdown price hikes for beans and cleaning spray
Spray cleaning products are nearly 5% more expensive than in March, while beans cost almost 3% more.
Pub chain ‘has no choice’ but to open on 4 July
The boss of Oakman Inns says that if pubs don't reopen "they'll continue to bleed cash".